Sun Worshiper

Everything seems better when the sun is shining.  I remember this in my heart on dull, cold days.  Being a “Sun Worshiper” isn’t about being a tanned golden goddess but praying for the sun to restore us on a continual basis extending to every cell in our bodies.  The sun also brings us the best show of flowers in our garden with the help of rich soil and water.  I always feel pampered by the sun and just love the feeling I get sitting somewhere, closing my eyes and relaxing.  Keeping the centre of your being, “sunshine bright” to nurture yourself, is my wish for you.

60th Birthday Doodle Art

There Is Only One You For All Time

Even though you might share the same star sign as someone else or have your birthday on the same day, you are very different.  You don’t know how to be anybody else but yourself so you might as well enjoy being in your own skin.  Sometimes that takes a long time to do because it doesn’t always come naturally.  You mature into acceptance.  You and your body, mind and soul change along the way.  You carry “you” all through your life and you grow-up to be the  individual you are.  People appreciate your gifts that you give the world and if you weren’t here, those very special gifts wouldn’t be available.

Melissa Mentor-Flower Doodle Art

“I didn’t know that I would become your Mentor but I see from an advantage of maturity.  I have Mentors too so it is a universal process of goodwill to help our fellow person.  I love to help seeds grow and be the best that they can be.  My example to teach others is to do what I do – just be yourself and grow in the path that seems most natural.”

Melissa Mentor-Flower is always there to listen and add flavour with intuitiveness.  She sets an example as being one of the beautiful flowers in your garden that you can call upon at any time.


“I think Melissa is so sweet and little and big girls all over the world would adore her……………if they only knew about her.  Gail, are you using the Internet to your advantage?  Something tells me if rock n roll stars can be discovered on UTube, then so can YOU.  Get your creative juices flowing and find a way to get your doodling on UTube.  Maybe you need The Doodling Song to hit the UTube air waves, huh??  You do know some song writers and could really write one yourself.  Get your hubby to video it and get it on UTube and you will be the Star you deserve to be. Why not???”

Lost Soul

This doodle art is dedicated to all those people who feel lost.  The inspiration I give you is that “this too will pass”.  There is a sun in the sky that is big, bright, beautiful and dependable and a brightly coloured rainbow that brings such pleasure to those who see it.  Yes there is thunder and lightening and we cry.  We cry in desperation to make changes but we are a Lost Soul and don’t know how.  Just go with the flow and don’t resist the flow.  Never fear, there are those who will reach out and help you.  They have sunny dispositions and send lots of positive thoughts your way as well as pure and simple heart-felt love.  They are just like you and they honour your humanity.  They have joy and hope in their hearts.  The drops from crying are collected in a tea cup and when you drink the essence of who you are, you heal yourself for you have self acceptance.  The clouds overhead each have a silver lining of Love, Prayer, Light, Peace and most of all Forgiveness so even on a cloudy day the sun is shining underneath.  Forgive yourself first for it stunts your growth.  You want to grow as tall as you can be so let your friends help you to help yourself.


I’m just your very biggest Doodle Fan Gail.
~ Dusty


Thank you Gail……. I need to read your “Lost Soul” today. It has been long tough haul with no end in sight, but this did make me stop and take a deep breath. Thank you……..
~ Benilde

Valentine’s Flowers 2013

Click Here to read Valentine’s Flowers 2013

Valentine’s Flowers
by Gail McNaughton, February 14, 2013

Today is a special day,
For me to tell you
That you are a bright, radiant flower
In my garden.
I couldn’t live without your golden smile
And your sunny disposition.
You give my life meaning—
For your friendship
Is the most important outside influence
That I cherish.
From the outside in
And the inside out,
You are perfect
And I’m glad I picked you,
To be in my bouquet of love.


Zen Flower

Zen Flower represents beauty at its best in a cocoon of love surrounded by the bubbles of the universe and then friends.  Zen teachings calm the mind, body and soul to be one with the universe.  When allowed to transcend, the person finds enlightenment in their life because they are more a part of the whole than being one onto him or herself.  The way to find Zen is through Love and Joy.

Peacock With Seeing Eyes

Peacocks Guard The Castle Of Prince Rupert of Fantasy Land

 These peacocks guard the castle of Price Rupert, the Prince of Fantasy Land.  They are blessed with iridescent blue-green plumage.  They strut around the castle displaying their shimmering fans to onlookers.  The ladies of the Court love them and feed them sweet treats.  Being fearless they can do Price Albert’s biddings to keep the palace safe.  Their eye spots are enticing and they mesmerize their prey so if you don’t want to get caught in “their land of a 1000 eyes, look away.


Truffles is 7 months old as of December 2nd but my photos say December 1 as that was when they were taken.  Enjoy our little “Sugar Bear” Truffles.  She has the freedom of the house as she jumps over the baby gates..  Her hair is about 6 inches long and crinkly. We are back into lessons once again at PetSmart and I am having private lessons because nobody else signed up for the class.  She walks very well on the street with me but she dashes out the door if she gets a chance and runs wild all over the neighbourhood.  She chases the other three cats around the house when she gets a chance.  She is sleeping on our bed sometimes and other times she is in her crate (her den).  I feel much joy having pets and wanted to share Truffles with you.  Her favourite thing is to lay down beside me with my hand in her mouth – something I’ve done with her right from when I brought her home.  Norma gave me a grooming arm and I got a noose for it so I have an art table that it is attached to so this is where I groom her sometimes but our favourite time is when I get out of the shower and my brush becomes a play toy.  When you brush her out the curls disappear but when you dampen her, the curls come back.  Needles to say she was a wet mop after dashing down the street in the rain and rolling on the grass.  Her hair remains crinkly until it gets brushed out.  Right now Norma put a Christmas scarf around her neck and yesterday I tied purple bows on her hair including one on her head.  She is just like a big teddy bear but at 45 lbs. I can pick her up.  She and I dance in the kitchen and she can go backwards with much precision which has impressed me.

Truffles 7 months old December 1, 2012
Truffles 7 months old December 1, 2012


Bob Holding Truffles 7 months old 2012
Bob Holding Truffles 7 months old 2012


Scary Sally – Happy Halloween

Scary Sally Doodle Art
Good Morning To All and Happy Halloween. The story below has nothing to do with the Doodle Art. Please pass my Halloween contribution on to your friends and family. I don’t usually draw Scary Sally but felt inspired to have a few laughs and see what I could come up with. I think that she is having a bad makeup and hair day and someone needs to help her dress but isn’t that what Halloween is all about – trick or treat, scary things and candy?

The Great Pumpkin Angel
Heavenly angels give these children a Halloween treat.
By Joan Sanchez, Norwalk, California

October is usually a happy time for me—my grandchildren, Daniel and Carly, get all excited about Halloween. They spend weeks beforehand discussing their costumes and dreaming of all that candy.
More than anything else, though, they love pumpkins. And not just any pumpkins. They wanted the ones grown by their great-aunt Margaret. What would my grandkids do this first Hallloween after she died?
I liked to joke that my sister Margaret had a soft spot for those kids—the compost pile in her backyard. That’s where the pumpkins grew. And she and the kids tended to them, slipping an upside-down pie pan under each one so it wouldn’t rot sitting on the ground.
Whenever I picked up my grandchildren and took them to visit Margaret, they’d barely say hello before bursting out into the yard to see what was going on in their “pumpkin patch.” They harvested them and used the big ones for carving into jack-o’-lanterns.
I didn’t know why or how pumpkins grew in a compost heap, of all places. Margaret never planted seeds. Maybe she’d thrown an old pumpkin out there one year. She had a green thumb, though. She could have dug a hole, dropped in a worm and ended up growing a rose bush. I envied her gardening skills. If only I had inherited Margaret’s abilities after she passed away.
Next day I went to visit the kids. I can help them with their costumes, I thought. That’ll be something, at least. “Hi!” I said, opening the door.
As soon as I walked in they said the quickest hello before shouting, “Grandma! Grandma! Come and see!”
“See what?”
“Just come!” they said, grabbing my hands and dragging me with them. We went outside. There, right on the side of the house, were half-a-dozen pumpkins. All plump and orange, with vines trailing everywhere. Growing in a spot where nothing had ever been planted.
I said, “You know what Aunt Margaret would do if she were here…” We all raced to the kitchen to get some pie pans. The biggest and best got turned into jack-o’-lanterns. The rest decorated the front porch. And they lasted for months, an autumn-long reminder for my two little pumpkin patch kids.